
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Irfanview for creating thumbnails

I have done tests to put thumbnail in blog post and you can view the result of the tests at Make thumnail with Irfanveiw photo editor: Test

This was how I did the thumbnail. I click FILE > THUMBNAILS from the menu bar at the top of Irfanview. Then I click on the drive and the folder where the images are stored in the computer. I then select the images I want. You can select multiple images by holding down the CTRL key and then clicking on the images. If you select the wrong photo, you can deselect it by clicking on it again. When you are done, click FILE > CREATE CONTACT SHEET FROM SELECTED THUMBS.... in the menu bar again. Then type in or chose your options in the contact sheet. When you are happy with your choice, click CREATE and wait for your thumbnail to be created. If you are happy with the result, click FILE > SAVE or FILE > SAVE AS to save the thumbnail into a folder where you can easily find it again.

Open your post editor, prepare your post, upload the thumbnail. The thumbnail will by default always be posted to the top of your post. Change its position in the post to wherever you want. If you are not familiar with doing that with Blogger, refer to Uploading and manipulating images with Google Blogger. Preview and if satisfied, click PUBLISH POST.

Amzon products for digital cameras

I did the test thumbnail twice. First time with a gray background, font size 10 and height 450 pixels. I wasn't happy with the result. I tried creating the thumbnail again many times, finally settling for a white background, font size 12 and height 200 pixels. You can see a screenshot of the final contact sheet below (click to enlarge):

Irfanview photo editor contact sheet

I had a second look at the thumbnail. Looks like it would have been better if I had chosen a height slightly higher than 200 pixels because part of the copyright notice at the bottom of the thumbnail is covered by an image.

There are other ways to do thumbnails and I will make posts about them later when I am finished with the more urgent tasks.

1 comment: said...

vThese facts are really interesting. Few of them were well known for me but many of them were brand new for me too!
I will print this one out and show to my friends because they will be definitely interested in that. Thanks!